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[SOLVED] Remove tab from back office product page

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I have a very specialised shop that just sells services. On the product admin page I would like to simplify it to just show the tabs I need. Is it possible to remove some of the tabs eg customization tab, feature tab etc. I have tried to find the file/page/template to modify but without success. Any help would be gratefully received.

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you have to modify adminproductscontroller.php (controllers/admin)

there is a code like:

	// @since 1.5 : translations for tabs
		$this->available_tabs_lang = array(
			'Informations' => $this->l('Information'),
			'Pack' => $this->l('Pack'),
			'VirtualProduct' => $this->l('Virtual Product'),
			'Prices' => $this->l('Prices'),
			'Seo' => $this->l('SEO'),
			'Images' => $this->l('Images'),
			'Associations' => $this->l('Associations'),
			'Shipping' => $this->l('Shipping'),
			'Combinations' => $this->l('Combinations'),
			'Features' => $this->l('Features'),
			'Customization' => $this->l('Customization'),
			'Attachments' => $this->l('Attachments'),
			'Quantities' => $this->l('Quantities'),
			'Suppliers' => $this->l('Suppliers'),
			'Warehouses' => $this->l('Warehouses'),

		$this->available_tabs = array('Quantities' => 6, 'Warehouses' => 14);
		if ($this->context->shop->getContext() != Shop::CONTEXT_GROUP)
			$this->available_tabs = array_merge($this->available_tabs, array(
				'Informations' => 0,
				'Pack' => 7,
				'VirtualProduct' => 8,
				'Prices' => 1,
				'Seo' => 2,
				'Associations' => 3,
				'Images' => 9,
				'Shipping' => 4,
				'Combinations' => 5,
				'Features' => 10,
				'Customization' => 11,
				'Attachments' => 12,
				'Suppliers' => 13,

remove unwanted tabs from code above.

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