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Theme installation: Prestashop / Hosting Issues (smarty_internal_templateparser.php issue)

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Hi all,   I'm hoping someone can help me with this issue. Since I installed a new theme my site is not loading the Front office, and the back office shows many errors on loading the modules tab.


I've asked the theme designer and they said it was a hosting issue. But the hosting company says it an issue with the actual Prestashop software...? The original Prestashop theme installed & worked with no issues.


Hosting reply : "As the error suggest, one of the Prestashop script tried to use more resources than this Hosting offer and it timed out, which caused the error displayed at this moment."


When loading the home page I get this error message:


Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 35913728) (tried to allocate 30720 bytes) in /websites/123reg/LinuxPackage22/pi/x_/8_/pix-8.co.uk/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templateparser.php on line 3108


Is this purely a server memory issue?  or is there a script issue causing the problem?


Any help much appreciated, thanks, Matt.




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it isn't true that this is prestashop issue
as they said, your hosting account hasn't got enough resources to run the script.

Out of memory (allocated 35913728) (tried to allocate 30720 bytes)

It's necessary to increase memory limit on your hosting account.

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Hi Vekia,   Thanks for your input.  I'm kind of getting lost in this now, as I had similar issues with another theme I tried to run. But if I use the default theme fresh on installation it works fine.


The theme developer claimed it used the same resources as the default prestashop theme, but I'm guessing this is not the case. Would you agree? 


If I disabled some modules would this improve it, and if so which use the most resource/memory? My current hosying package offers 128mb, and has a buffer limit of 64mb.


Am I asking too much to run the theme on this? I was hoping that it was a bug rather than a server limit issue.


Thanks for your advice, much appreciated.  Matt.

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