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[SOLVED] How to find hook position in .tpl

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In module.tpl I'd like to be able to change the css for a div, based on the its hook position. e.g. if the module is hooked at the top then a list is to be displayed horizontally, if it's hooked to the left column then it is displayed vertically.


Please can anyone tell me how to find the calling hook's name or id so that I can replace HOOK in the module.tpl code below

<div {if HOOK=="Top"} class="moduletop" {else} class="moduleleft" {/if}>


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you can achieve this with css styles only, without modification of the .tpl files.


if your module is attached to left column you can use


#left_column .module {background:red;}

#right_column .module {background:red;}



just use one class ="module" or any other name you want. then you will be able to stylize it depending on parent id.

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