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PrestaShop and QuickBooks

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I like PrestaShop!  However, I've been searching and I can't find a solution to integrate PrestaShop into QuickBooks.


Isn't there a module that would allow me to export sales/invoices into QuickBooks?  I can see I'm going to have to enter each one manually, which is twice the work -- and that doesn't make much sense.


Any ideas or modules out there?




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I can suggest a great tool, called QuickBooks Integration, it is addon for Store Manager for Magento and in order to use that addon you need Store Manager also. It can quickly import products to QuickBooks.

You can found free trial versions of both applications here: http://www.prestashopmanager.com/

Using QuickBooks Integration addon of Store Manager for Prestashop you can synchronize product and customer information between your Magento store and your accounting package and in this way it ensures that orders data are correctly assigned to the proper accounts. It is compatible with Quickbooks 2013. Also You can automate and synchronize products, customers and orders on schedule. You can indicate time data synchronization between Store Manager and QuickBooks will be performed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings McCoyStudios,


MODERATED is a top-rated QuickBooks, Sage 50 (formerly Peachtree), or FrontAccounting accounting integration.

Some key benefits over competitive solutions include:


-- Approx. 40% less expensive initially, 60% less expensive annually
-- Proper allocation of price to the ‘children’ of fixed-price bundle configurations.
-- Superior handling/support of QuickBooks ‘Group Items’ (i.e. price taken from the cart and not accounting)
-- Stock updates to PrestaShop are real-time in response to invoicing, receiving, and material adjustments in QuickBooks.

-- No limitations of any kind on CartSpan’s 10day trial.
-- CartSpan is the only integration option that doesn’t require any money up-front for setup assistance

-- Loads of additional features that serve to eliminate post-import editing of your orders


If you have any specific business requirements that are not addressed on the CartSpan website, please call and we are happy to chat with you about the possibility of accommodating them.

Best regards,

Scott Wheeler

Edited by vekia (see edit history)
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  • 4 months later...

Don't be fooled The Quickbooks Module doesn't do anything for your bookkeeping. On bad advice I bought that, which means I also had to buy store manager, and they are useless for bookeeping. If you find a solution for transactional data, please let me know.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I too am looking for an accounting integration to FrontAccounts or WebERP.

I have looked at the CartSpan website and notice it is a Windows App, running on a local PC rather than running on the server (which would be my preference, given the accounting side is located on hosted servers (not the same one) too.


Has anyone used the CartSpan product and provide some feedback?

Is there anything else anyone can recommend or hint at?


In the modules shop there are only EXPORT addons, but we're looking for a real-time update of the back office accounts for ERP purposes and purchase order processing ... is there anything anyone can suggest


Many thanks


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