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htaccess file not regenerating correctly

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We are having some problems with our htaccess file when we placed the store to use friendly urls the pages we no longer coming up. We then tried other ways to get it to work untill we finally used a htaccess file generated by a fresh build of prestashop using friendly urls and it worked.


Now the issue is the ssl, keep getting notice that not all of the page is secure and we've look at most of the code that can be causing the issue. We figure it could be that since we custom wrote most of the htaccess file that it is no longer rewriting for the ssl.


Does anyone have a solution???

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just for testing, as I do not recommend any file/folder at 777


back up .htaccess

note file date/time of .htaccess


from back office turn off and then back on friendly urls


did the date/time of .htaccess change?



change the permissions of .htaccess to 777

from back office turn off and then back on friendly urls

did the date/time of .htaccess change?  if so do friendly url's work with this .htaccess?

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When the new htacces file is generated its any page and the urls are of the link you click on


yes since the site is live we don't want to leave it with broken htaccess file

yes, of course I understand not wanting the shop down.


I think you will need to find a ps tech that can trouble shoot the issue that has some minimal credentials defeating lag in forum.

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