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Maintenance Page Redirection

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Hi All,


I hope someone can help me with what should be a simple problem.


I'm no coder but know enough to get a simple redirect to work. Unfortunately this one is driving me bonkers and I'm about to throw the laptop out the window!


I'm trying to place a simple redirect to a holding page within the maintenance.tpl under my theme folder.


if I type the subdomain I've setup straight into a browser it works just fine but if I try to add it to the maintenance.tpl it just won't work.


I've got to the point where I've removed nearly everything from the file other than the following -


<meta HTTP-EQUIV=“REFRESH” content+”0; url=http://www.ezipets.co.uk/comingsoon”>


Ive tried with and without the index.html on the end, I've tried clearing all my caches both in the browsers and within Prestashop, I've cleared smarty and forced compilation but nothing is working.


Please help before I throw myself from the window.






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Ok, so I continued to persevere with trying to get the maintenance.tpl redirection to work. Alas I've had to admit defeat!


I have no idea why it doesn't work, it should. The most annoying thing is that it used to work. Obviously when I updated Prestashop it updated the maintenance.tpl and since then it doesn't work even though I added my redirect back in the same way it was previously.


I then had the brainwave to add a redirect via the cPanel that my host provides.

Unfortunately its a subdomain that im trying to redirect to and all I managed to do was put the redirect into a never ending loop!


Arrrgh!!! Nightmare.


I then took your advice and did a bit of homework into tools::redirect and .htaccess


.htaccess looked to be the easier of the two for someone with little to no experience with coding, so after a little digging I decided to add the following to the .htaccess file in the root -


Redirect /index.html http://www.ezipets.co.uk/comingsoon 


And it worked like a dream! 


Thanks for your help EL, saved my bacon.



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