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Display products from all categories under category subheading

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I have modified product-list.tpl and added the below code:


{foreach from=$subcategories item=subcategory}
I am able to get the subcategory heading with this. Now I need to display the products associated to each subcategory under the subcategory heading.
Please guide me.
Thanks in advance/
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it will not be as easy as it seems.

there is a function:

	protected function assignSubcategories()
		if ($subCategories = $this->category->getSubCategories($this->context->language->id))
				'subcategories' => $subCategories,
				'subcategories_nb_total' => count($subCategories),
				'subcategories_nb_half' => ceil(count($subCategories) / 2)

you have to assign productList for each subcategory that you've got in $subCategories variable (with foreach loop)

it's pure PHP.

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Vekia: Sorry to bother you again and again. I am using MegaShop theme and I am getting all the products as subcategories. Now I need to reverse engineer. I need to display products grouped by subcategory.


Only question now is how can I check(PHP condition) if a product belongs to a category or not? BTW I have php knowledge, I am only new to PestraShop, its variables and structure.



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