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Module installation problem

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Hi guys, this is the code of my module:


if ( ! defined( '_PS_VERSION_' ) ) exit;

class Skema extends Module{

	public function __construct(){
		$this->name = 'skema';
		$this->tab = 'front_office_features';
		$this->version = '1.0';
		$this->author = 'Ivano Mercuri';
		$this->need_instance = 0;
		$this->ps_versions_compliancy = array( 'min' => '' , 'max' => '1.6');
		$this->displayName = $this->l('Modulo: Skema');
		$this->description = $this->l('Apporta modifiche al Front End');
		$this->confirmUninstall = $this->l('Lo vuoi disinstallare?');
	public function install(){
		if( Shop::isFeatureActive() ){
			Shop::setContext( Shop::CONTEXT_ALL );
		return parent::install() &&
                $this->registerHook( 'displayFooter' ) &&
                $this->registerHook( 'top' );
	public function uninstall(){
		return parent::uninstall();
	public function hookDisplayFooter( $params ){
		if( $_COOKIE['popup_isw'] != 'yes' ){
			return $this->display( __FILE__ , 'skema.tpl' );
	public function hookTop( $params ){
		$this->context->controller->addCSS( $this->_path . 'css/skema.css' , 'all' );
		$this->context->controller->addJS( $this->_path . 'js/skema.js' , 'all' );

It's a poorly code i edited from the documentation about the development of a module.


If I install the module by clicking install, the BO shows me the successful installation of the module, without any errors... But the module itself is still uninstalled.


These are two screenshots about this problem:


1) At the module line, it is installed, but the label next to the module title says it is not



2) At the top of Admin it says the module has been installed with no other warnings



There are no php errors or other errors for PS.


Any help to resolve this problem?

Edited by Isb (see edit history)
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can you try to return true in install function() ?


Are you suggesting me to implement this way to see what will happen?

public function install(){
	if( Shop::isFeatureActive() ){
		Shop::setContext( Shop::CONTEXT_ALL );
	return parent::install() &&
        $this->registerHook( 'displayFooter' ) &&
        $this->registerHook( 'top' );
        return true;
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soemthing like:

if (parent::install() &&
$this->registerHook( 'displayFooter' ) &&
$this->registerHook( 'top' )){
return true;
} else{
return false;


Actually, it worked... but it is the same algorithm, is it?

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