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Which Template(s) should I use

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I am not sure this is the correct forum, but I need to start somewhere. If I am in the wrong area, I apologize. 

I have been using PrestaShop for a few months now and I am having trouble getting the information I need into the site in a fashion that flows for the user as most of these templates are oriented to mass marketing. We sell our own specialty software that targets very specific industries and organizations. I am looking for a template that will allow me to easily put up a number of informational pages that allow me to tout the features and benefits of my software package. The first priority of the web site is to explain the many features and uses of the software, and it is a long list. If the prospective customer likes what they read, they will look at our options and pricing which (and I know it sounds wrong) is primary in importance but secondary in what the prospect wants to see. I have tried a couple of templates but they have proven to be very difficult to provide informational content in any coherent fashion. If anybody knows of a template such as I have described, I would like to know about it (and I am looking for user recommendations, not sellers). If I am barking up the wrong tree with PrestaShop, I would like to know before I spend even more money on something that doesn't work for me. I like a lot of what I see in PrestaShop, but I am not finding what I need.

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Hi CSentry,


No direct answer to your question, but a few questions to make sure everyone understands what you're looking for exactly:

- Do you sell one product, which needs extensive documentation/information for the clients, or do you have many products, EACH with extensive information with it?

-Maybe describe a little bit HOW exactly you would like the information be shown to the client. What is 'the process' of going to the product? Does he come in on the front page and can/should start reading about (general info of) the product(s) first, or should he first select a product. If the latter, how much info is needed to let the client make a selection of a product? Is an initial (short) description enough, or should he have more info already?

- (After selecting the software), you mention a long list of features and uses. Should everything be available on the webpages itself, or is it maybe more handy to let him/her download a comprehensive PDF document? Again, if full specifications can be given in a PDF, how much info is needed on the website to make an informed choice?

- I expect you have some picture in mind how you would like it to be presented. Maybe a few sketches may help to give other forum members a better idea what kind of template you're looking for, and increase the chance of getting a positive answer.


My 2 cents,


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Thanks for your "2 cents" Pascal,


This is what we have:

We sell 1 software package (our own) and like PrestaShop, it comes in modules. Unlike PrestaShop, you don't need to install anything to access the other modules, you just have to enter a new registration code after you have purchased the additional functionality. The market segment that we target is extremely competative with the edge going to whomever has the most functionality that is the easiest to use (most customers are not especially computer savvy) at the "best" (subjectively) price. Our Base package is quite feature rich but limited to 1,000 members in the database. We sell the base mode and 4 optional modules (Billing, POS, Scheduling/Class Reservations and unlimited members) along with other services such as Merchant Services (you can accept credit/debit cards with our software), technical support and training. So, I need to explain the major functionality of the Base package and all of the add on packages. While we utilize a number of PDF documents, most visitors only look at them if they like the basic descriptions on the web site. Historicall, it has worked well to have a section of the web site that concentrated on information with a lot of links to both the overall shopping cart as well individual items.

In addition, we sell the hardware peripherals (scanners, ID Cards, cash drawers, credit card readers, electronic door/turnstile interfaces, etc) who;s operations need to be explained. We could, and do, put up a number of detailed PDF documents, self running demo and training videos, but before people go to that level, they want to get an idea if the software can handle their basic needs. I was hoping that a FAQ module would solve that issue but I haven't been able to get either one of the 2 I purchased to work.

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