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Multistore Virtual URL method

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I was pretty confused to set up mustistore with physical URL (for me it was impossible to configure it) but I tied it with Virtual URL ant it works.

1st shop  - mydomain.com

2nd shop – mydomain.com/second-shop/ - the virtual one.


Everything works perfect.


The question is just, if the virtual URL method is not problem for SEO and google claw.

Edited by cerkoxxl (see edit history)
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no worries, everything will work well in this case,

but if i were you i will try to create subdomain, it's better for seo purposes in my opinion.


To tell the true, I primary want to do this, so to create the mustishop with physical URL via subdomaims. But I completely miss the point. I red a lot here in this forum and also the guideline, but without sucucces. I don know ... I felt like stupid. 


So here is my problem:

  1. I created two folder in sub folder on serever what created the subdomains: first.domain.com and second.domain.com
  2. I instaled the presta to first.domain.com.
  3. I enabled the mulstistoree and added a new shop ( name second)  to the default group
  4. I configured the second shop URL: Main shop: YES, Status: YES, domain and SSL domain: second.domain.com, physical URL, virtual : nothing.

I see two different shop in backoffice, it is posisble to set different things to diferrent shops, but I do not see anything in fornt office. The second.domain.com folder is empty, the second.domain.com site is blank. So there is no conection with second.domain.com.


So I do not know What I did wrong? I also tried to installed the presta to second.domain.com, but the socond.domain.com shop was independent shop, which was not conested with the firt.domain.com shop backoffice. So as I mention, I completely miss the point. 


Any suggestions ?

I know that is possible, since meny of you done it before, it just is something wrong in my procedure ....   I feel like stupid, since I have never had such a pobleme with any comon prestashop procedure before.  (:

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