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Show discounted price in product.tpl


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In Product.tpl I've created three checkboxes to buy multiple items, here is the example with 3 bottles:

    <td class="pname">
			<input type="radio" onclick="qtyChange('{$product->id}','3','{$product->reference|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}','{$productPrice*3} €', '{$productPrice*3}', '3  bottiglie');" value="{$product->id}" id="pacco_prodotto_3" name="pacco_prodotto">
			<label for="pacco_prodotto_3" class="productpack">3 bottiglie </label></td>
		<td class="pprice"><label for="pacco_prodotto_3" class="currentprice">{$productPrice*3} €</label></td>

Next I've setup a discount on quantity, so if you buy 3 or more bottles you have a discount.


I need to show the discounted price and not the base price.


I've found something similar but them are all related ro cycle all the discounts, and is not what I want


Thank you very much

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