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Setting Shipping Rates by Geographical Region

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Hi everyone, I'm seeking advise and wisdom!


We are a supplier of used gym equipment and I'm having trouble wrapping my head around setting up the shopping cart/shipping rates that we need.


What we want: We want to be able to charge different flat shipping rates for different product category (treadmills, ellipticals, bikes, etc) will all have their own shipping costs per region.


example: a treadmill shipped anywhere on the west coast will have a set rate vs a treadmill shipped anywhere in the central, and east coast of the US will have a set shipping rate.


Is this possible? If I installed a module like this one (http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/148747-module-localized-shipping-set-shipping-rates-by-country-state-or-zipcode-range-or-wildcard/), how would the zip codes (from and to) function work?



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