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Display Discount Amount in Percentage

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Hello everyone,


I need some help with the specific price rules.

We all know we have two options to apply discount, one is by specifying discount amount directly, or the other by specifying a discount %.


Considering the following example:

Base price of the product: 299

I want to give a discount of: 100

Price after discount: 199


Now if I use the discount % option, the % value will be in decimals and it won't come exact to 199 after applying the discount %.

Second, if I use the amount option and specify 100, it will display discount as -100 in the front end, BUT instead I want it to display the % discount here.


To make it simpler, check this product: http://afmas.com/presta/index.php?id_product=8&controller=product

To where it shows -100, I want it to display the % (33.44% in this case, prefereably display as 33% or 34%)

Is there a workaround for this?



Also, second question, the featured product module in the prestashop doesn't show the specific price rules, what are the other options?


Thank you so much for your time looking into this,




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