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Hook on homepage

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Hi everyone,


I'm very new in prestashop and i'm learning everyday, but I have a big problem and I doní find the solution.


I want to hook a new module on my homepage (prestashop v1.5.5.0) and I receive always an error saying that it isn´t possible.!?


I don´t know why...


Can someone help me?



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CMS block doesn't support home hook.


open /modules/blockcms/blockcms.php file


add there this function:


public function hookHome()
return $this->displayBlockCMS(BlockCMSModel::LEFT_COLUMN);

(insert it right before the last closing bracket: } )


then try to transplant module.


in back office define CMS block attached to the left column - you will see it in home hook then.

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It worked and appeared on the home page, but on the bottom.


Maybe I didn´t explain it in the right way, because I meant Home page and were thinking about the left column on the home page, and what I saw is the what is called Home page is only the main content, isn´t it?


As you can see: http:/www.amoravida.pt

Edited by Pedro Pires (see edit history)
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It worked and appeared on the home page, but on the bottom.


you can change position of module under modules > positions. Then search for "displayHome" modules list and just drag'n'drop blockcms module to new position (you have to change displayHome modules list - make sure that you changin it - not something other)



Maybe I didn´t explain it in the right way, because I meant Home page and were thinking about the left column on the home page, and what I saw is the what is called Home page is only the main content, isn´t it?


As you can see: http:/www.amoravida.pt

in this case you have to transplant module to the "displayLeftcolumn" position

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you can change position of module under modules > positions. Then search for "displayHome" modules list and just drag'n'drop blockcms module to new position (you have to change displayHome modules list - make sure that you changin it - not something other)



Thank u. I knew this step.



in this case you have to transplant module to the "displayLeftcolumn" position

When I try this step, it appears, it doesn´t appear on the left side of the home page, but on all the others. Maybe it´s because of the theme that I'm using.


By the way, to not open a new topic (I searched all around and dind´t find a solution) when a customer register for the first time, the fiel vat_number doesn´t appear. I made it necessary under Customer>direction. It doesn´t appear with the default theme nor my new theme with prestashop v1.5.6

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