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still fight site slow - host says it's blah.com/?rand=137xxx

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Greetings All,


still in conversation with the our host over the slowness of our Prestashop install for www.halleminlures.com


Categorically they say; "Our System Administrators have found that website slowness is due to particular URL http: // www.halleminlures.com/?rand=1378838511751 . You might need to review the codes of random image generator."


Any pointers on where to look to ferret this out? I have searched for /?rand and found any real clear explanations or resolutions.


thanks in advance, -Rick

Edited by berklee.grad (see edit history)
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url: baseDir + 'modules/blockcart/blockcart-set-collapse.php' + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(),




The module blockcart is the problematic. How can we solve it? Everybody must have this problem because it's a base module in prestashop.


just wondering how it is possible that this simple variable slowing down website, 

for my knowledge, it is impossible


The randomness of the "rand" URL parameter forces the server and the browser (or whatever ) to think the web service call is unique and therefore cannot use any kind of caching mechanism. Now, this is not for EVERY web service call; the randomization only occurs when the browser is first loaded

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