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(Solved) Modifying Home Slider pager to show titles instead of numbers

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Trying to modify the home slider pager to display slide titles instead of the numbers.

I know that it is handled by the jquery.bxSlider.min.js file however I can't figure out how to modify it to pick up the slider images title instead of the number. What I am trying to get is below.


UPDATE: I found a work around for what I wanted to accomplish and it worked out well


Edited by JANDSCLOTHINGCO (see edit history)
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There are 3 steps that I did. It involved css editing AND image creation. The titles and active selection bar are IMAGES. They will NOT change if you update your slides. You will have to manually re-edit them, which is why I saved a photoshop PSD file so I can re-edit them in seconds if I update the slides. This is probably alot more work than most would like to do, but it can give you somewhat of a unique result.


1st step


You have to disable the numbers from being displayed on the pager by editing jquery.bxSlider.min.js


for(var i=1;i<=pagerQty;i++){pagerString+='<a href="" class="pager-link pager-'+i+'">'+i+'</a>

Remove the +i+ at the end of the pager-link pager but leave the ''

for(var i=1;i<=pagerQty;i++){pagerString+='<a href="" class="pager-link pager-'+i+'">''</a>


This will disable the numbers from showing


2nd step


Change the css file for the homeslider pager. I will need to update this step once I have access to my files


3rd step


You need to create the 2 image files.The first image is the PAGER BACKGROUND. I made mine the full width of the homeslider which is 980px and added my own titles and sectioned it off evenly to line up with the pager buttons which was every 326px since I only have 3 images


The second image is the active selection bar I also made this 980px, but I just put a red bar at the top and the bottom and used this as the PAGER ACTIVE BACKGROUND.


Edited by JANDSCLOTHINGCO (see edit history)
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