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[solved] Two modules in one row

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I'm trying to customize a free theme called "leo sportshoes", which can be found here

I have already changed most of the things that I was interested in but I have one problem. I don't know how to place two modules next to each other in one row in center column - homeslider and a box with some informations next to it. I managed to narrow homeslider to about a half of the center column but I have no idea how to place something next to it. When I tried to simply paste sth (f.e. an image) after homeslider script in its tpl file, the image showed under homeslider instead of next to it. Do you have any ideas what to do?

Attached image shows how it looks like now.


Here is a module tpl file: http://pastebin.com/R1iQJLrU


Edited by Palforpaws (see edit history)
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you're welcome B)

if you've got any other questions related to this case, feel free to write


btw. on Polish forum section one of the forum member created a lot of threads related to this theme,

(i've noticed that you're from Poland so maybe the threads will be helpfull for you)



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  • 5 weeks later...



I have similar problem, in my theme are two modules (minicslider and customcontent), and I need to place it next to each other. So on the left will be menu (customcontent) and on the right slider. I'm new to templates, so if You could explain to me where create the div's i'll be great.



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url to website: http://presta.twojetrendy.pl

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