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category descriptions

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ok when you write a description for a category and its i guess to long it will shorten it on the site then it will have blue more button with an arrow below it to view more...is there a way to show it all without the customer actually having to click the button to read it.? its about a paragraph length but will only show about one and a half o the starting sentence.



Edited by scenteddelights (see edit history)
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okay, so, in the file:


themes/default/category.tpl you've got:


{if strlen($category->description) > 120}
 <p id="category_description_short">{$category->description|truncate:120}</p>
 <p id="category_description_full" style="display:none">{$category->description}</p>
 <a href="#" onclick="$('#category_description_short').hide(); $('#category_description_full').show(); $(this).hide(); return false;" class="lnk_more">{l s='More'}</a>


change the code above to:


 <p id="category_description_full" >{$category->description}</p>


yes, it's okay, just one line ;)


btw. i also moved your topic to the correct forum section ;)

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