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Hi All,

I am using Prestashop

The vieuw of the products on my site is now like this:


"Prestahop product nice open source tools all modules available easy to start up

prices ex vat transport free of charge"


Can it be made like this?


* Prestahop product

* nice open source tools

* all modules available

* easy to start up

* prices ex vat

* transport free of charge


Is there anbody who can help me out with this?



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i don't know what you mean by this exactly.


you said:

The vieuw of the products on my site is now like this: "Prestahop product nice open source tools all modules available easy to start up

prices ex vat transport free of charge"


this is an description of product or what?


it is possible to check your website somewhere? if so, please paste te url.

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Here is the url of my site




If you take a look to the second link here below, you will see all products in that category.





Between the product picture and the price on the other side, you see the short discription.

This is all in one sentence ... i would like to change that so it is better for the customer to read and it looks also nices

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I meant, that you've got short description there, right? under the product name on product listing pages.

By default, prestashop don't allow to use there HTML (just simple text)


You want to something like that:

  1. Prestahop product
  2. nice open source tools
  3. all modules available
  4. easy to start up
  5. prices ex vat
  6. transport free of charge


you can achieve this only with HTML language, with something like this:


<li>Prestahop product</li>

<li>Nice open source tools</li>

<li>All modules available</li>




as i said, it isn't possible to use HTML in the short description field.


so changes in the core are necessary

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