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How to use image for Products, Categories, Featured etc tabs background in 1.5.4

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ok, you have to edit blockcategories/blockcategories.tpl file


add own class to the:


<h4 class="title_block">{l s='Categories' mod='blockcategories'}</h4>


for example:

<h4 class="title_block mynewclass">{l s='Categories' mod='blockcategories'}</h4>



then in global css create this:


.mynewclass {



you can use the same method for other blocks. remember to create individual classes for each block.

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Thank you for the thorough answer!

Sounds really complicated, but I'll give it a try tomorrow.

Doing this we could assign different colors to different block headers ... but how about using the same image as a background? I mean 1x20 pixel gradient image(or some pattern) to "spice up" the design.

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Thank you for the thorough answer!

Sounds really complicated, but I'll give it a try tomorrow.

Doing this we could assign different colors to different block headers ... but how about using the same image as a background? I mean 1x20 pixel gradient image(or some pattern) to "spice up" the design.


yes, it's not that hard to stylize the block 'tabs' if you know css basics. I did it at this website: sitinuriatistudio.com

I learned through watching some videos at Youtube what files and classes/ids to use.(Also you can use the inspect element in Chrome to find out) Search for 'learn prestashop' or some combination of terms with prestashop in it :P


And Yes, Vekia has been extremely helpful. You should check out his chat module Zop. It's very useful.

Edited by closeupman (see edit history)
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