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[SOLVED] How can I display total number of products per category and subcategory

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I am using PS default theme, and I am trying to add "Found xxx Results" in the "content_sortPagiBar" section of the category and subcategory pages.


I have tried the solution propsed here. But it did not work for me. Instead of getting the number of prodcuts in my current category, I get '6', which probably corresponds to one of the nested subcategories which has 6 products.


Any idea on how I can acheive this?


(on a similar topic, any idea how to get the number of subcategories displayed, if any)


Thank you

Edited by kingsinnersoul (see edit history)
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Answering my own question:

I used the following code in categories.tpl and price-drop.tpl

<p style="margin-left:10px">
    {if $stop == $start && $stop == $pages_nb} <!-- SINGLE PAGE -->
	 {l s='Showing %d products' sprintf=$nb_products}
    {elseif $p == $pages_nb} <!-- LAST PAGE -->
	 {l s='Showing %d ' sprintf=( ($p-1)*$products_per_page+1 ) }
	 {' - '} {$nb_products}
	 {l s=' out of %d products' sprintf=( $nb_products ) }
    {else} <!-- ANY OTHER PAGE (FIRST OR MIDDLE) -->
	 {l s='Showing %d ' sprintf=( ($p-1)*$products_per_page+1 ) }
	 {' - '} {$p*$products_per_page}
	 {l s=' out of %d products' sprintf=( $nb_products ) }

Edited by kingsinnersoul (see edit history)
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