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Referral Program email subject translation

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Hi all,


I can't find where to translate the subject of the invitation email sent by Referral Program module. I use Prestashop and Brazilian Portuguese is the only active language.


I did translate all the module expressions (which were not translated even if they say Portuguese version is 100% complete...) but couldn't find how to change the email subject.


I looked into my mails/br/lang.php file but the expression is not there.


I hope somebody can give me some advise.


Thanks in advance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there,

In the Back Office (BO) -> Localization -> Translation.

Under ->''Modify Translations'' must select from the list ->Email templates translations;

Click on the flag you need to translate (Brazilian Portuguese in your case) and go to -> Core emails where in the first row you see some missing translations.Click on and Select -> Edit this email template and from there even you could change the HTML code,In order to do this press the HTML icon from the toolbar and you can see and edit the HTML code.

For example You maybe like other color than pink ;)


I hope this was useful!

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Thank you newinprestashop. I actually did what you said to modify the email text, but the email subject is not there.


I'm talking about referralprogram-invitation.html for which is informed that email subject is generated on database.


Any other toughts?

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