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Search Index is loosing products

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Hi all :)


I have a strange behaviour in my shop PS 1.4.9 just migrated from PS1.3.1

The search engine does not work on the front-office (it works in the backoffice)

When Looking at the search index information, I have (for exemple) 252/4414.


So I rebuild the index and get 4414/4414 and the search works again on frontoffice, for a while...


Some time after (a few hours), it does not work anymore and the search index is down again to around 250 / 4414 (value vary but never goes more than 300)


I tried to use "add product to index" instead of rebuilding, same behaviour...


I don't know really what's happening and what I can do :unsure:


If anybody can help ???


Thank you very much in advance !

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Sorry for not answering before.

For us, after many tests, the problem appeared to come from a piece of software we use to transfer data from a business software to our web shop. The software was modified and the problem solved, but I am unable to say what the problem was exactly.

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