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PrestaShop™ - trojan reported but I can't see it ?


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My client is running a live site using PrestaShop™ and has been doing for a while very happily for a while. They got an email this morning reporting that:


"The malware that tries to install itself is: Trojan. Zeroaccess.C, and can be removed by running a short program such as ‘RKill’ that terminates the active malware"


I can find nothing to trigger this response with any of my scanning software or any of the online tools. Being that the site may be infected I don't want to past the URL here - but if anyone could contact me who has more knowledge of this subject and prestashop then I could PM the URL to them.


Would the ultimate solution be to upgrade Prestashop to the current version, and if so is this easy enough to do ?


Thank you for your time

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download all scripts (the best thing is to download prestashop directory) and then scan files with antivirus, after clearing the code upload it again to the ftp.


btw. from where your customer downloaded prestashop installator?

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My customer installed via cpanel on webhost.


I have downloaded site and scanned - nothing found. I am wondering if in fact the customer who informed us of the infection actually had the infection on their HD originally ?


Could I PM you the site URL ?

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