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Memcache, CloudCache or CloudFlare?

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I am finishing up my shop, and would like to know more about these systems Cache.


They really make much difference in the performance of the store? Since my shop is slow I think, would be interesting for me to use some of them to improve performance?

My store is hosted on a server's Shared DreamHost, but I have SSL and IP Single believe this is leaving it a bit slower.


I wonder if it pays more to get a VPS (Private Server) to enable Memcache, or use offsets some of the other two services (CloudCache or CloudFlare)?



I have one more question, in Parameters > Web Service, has some significant performance enable "mode for CGI PHP" and "PrestaShop WebService"?

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I am using CloudCache on one of my shops - works great, performance is better than ever before. And in addition to that, PrestaShop gives a discount code for the CloudCache services, so I definitely recommend to try it out!

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