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[new kind of theme] LESS-based css template - your opinion?

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Hi All,

before posting it as a free theme, I would like to show it first to the dev part of the prestashop forum users, and hopefully get some opinions and suggestions.


So, this is css override theme, that consist of a single less file, which is compiled into css, to override the default prestashop theme.


Here is the list of the improvements and features:


- Color scheme changing


- Easy font changing


- Added Hovers, shadows transitions and other effects


- Css3 buttons - again very easily customized (you put one color and it recalculates the gradient, border, and hover gradient for you)


- Everything is restyled (header, menu, sidebar, content, product page, footer etc)


-Very easy installation


-Super lightweight - 20kb compiled CSS


Live preview here



This is just something like an experiment with less and prestashop that I though may be neat to try making.

That's not a complete theme , its just a single file for prettifying the default theme and making it easily customiseable.




The main feature of this theme is the possibility to quickly change the color scheme using the less variables.


You can make it from orange/grey, to blue/grey, or red/black in seconds


Also the user can quickly change the font of the whole site.


To do this, the user have to simply edit the color variables in the beggining of the less file:

(notice the description of each variable)

@import "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=PT+Sans:400,700";

//Base variables

@color1: #444; //menu, some tables headers, and where dark color is needed
@color2: #F15A23; // The main color of the theme
@color3: #EEEEEE; // light color used mainly for some borders
@colorbtn: #F15A23; // the color of the buttons, button gradient, borders and hover state are automatically generated out of it
@bgcolor: #F8F8FA; // the body background color
@textcolor: #555555; // main text color
@textcolor2: #666; // lighter color for few texts
@fontfamily: "PT Sans",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; // the main font family


Thank you for your comments :)

Edited by Snade (see edit history)
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