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Test my site elementofstylebridal.com

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Hi everyone!


I have just changed my .com/prestashop/ to .com and want to make sure everything is working right. The only thing that seems to be up the whop is my search option on my home page which I have disabled because it has decided to move its self to the top left hand corner of my picture instead of centred under it?


Any way let me know your thoughts :-)


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Love it ! esp. like the header you've created :)


I did try and put an item into the cart, but the 'add to cart' feature isn't enabled... is that right?


Thank you :-) Yes you have to register and log in to be able to use the cart and view the pricing. To remove all the stuff at the footer I think I went to the modules and configured the footer module :-)

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1. Nice header banner, but unfortunately it's bad for SEO and UX. I would recommend minimize it.

2. I would move tags to right side.

3. You selling beauty stuff, so you need a bit bigger pictures on website.

4. Display prices because you will loose some sells by always clicking on paypal button check it.

5. Footer looks really ugly.

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