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[CLOSED] Stop Product Title Being Shortened with "..." *PIC*

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Some of the titles of my products are a little long, and they are being shortened with a "..." instead of displaying the entire title, even though there is plenty of space. I've looked through the global.css but I can't seem to figure out what sort of code I need to add.


I want to extend the title across that red box, instead of just having it shortened with the "..."

I think I need to add the code at line 1463 of my global.css, but I don't know what code would correct this.

ul#product_list li a {

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Look for {$product.name|truncate:35|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} in product-list.tpl in your theme directory and increase the truncate value from 35 to bigger numbers until you get as much text to display as possible without it wrapping.

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Look for {$product.name|truncate:35|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} in product-list.tpl in your theme directory and increase the truncate value from 35 to bigger numbers until you get as much text to display as possible without it wrapping.

Thanks rocky, that works great. But what about if I just want to enter a break and continue the title on the next line below?
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You will need to add a <br /> to the short description. Make sure that strip_tags isn't on the line above you changed, otherwise the <br /> will be stripped out.

Thanks again, rocky; however, while that works for the products with longer names, it also creates a break for the short-named products that do not need the extra space. I was hoping that there was a way to make the long-name text break to a 2nd line only after exceeding a certain number of characters, but I'm beginning to think that is not possible.

Any suggestions left?
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