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Help with shipping settings - also looking to ship worldwide.

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Hi all, first of all, I'm looking to set up the settings to the below:


Royal Mail 1st Class Delivered : 0 - 0.4 kg - costing £0.59

All products referring to this weigh 0.01kg


Royal Mail 1st Class Recorded : 0.49 - 15kg - costing £3.49

All products referring to this weigh 0.5kg



MyHermes 3 - 5 days - 20kg - 200kg.

All products referring to this weigh 20 kg.


The above I'm looking to dispatch just to the United Kingdom.


Here are the rest of the settings :




Scotland - Zone - United Kingdom

Wales - Zone - United Kingdom

Ireland - Zone - United Kingdom

England - Zone - United Kingdom

The weight range as stated at the top.


In each of the courier, the 'united kingdom' zone box is ticked. The Default is unticked.


This is the set up so if anyone sees any problems, please help me.


I added a product weighing 0.5kg to my cart but it set the delivery price at £0.59 which I'm unsure how to fix.


Please help me out with this before going on to set up international dispatch.



Edited by simpson7647 (see edit history)
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One thing to always remember when setting up shipping is the include/exclude way Prestashop handles shipping, not sure if this will help but thought it might be worth a look for you.



Weight Ranges: (must not have gaps)







Weight ranges are inclusive/exlusive which basically means:


From and including 0, up to but excluding 1600gr, from and including 1601gr up to but exluding 3200gr, from and including 3200grup to but excluding 4800gr, from and including 4800 up to but excluding 6400gr.

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I've made a few adjustments but still not solved.


The weight ranges are:


0 - 0.4 = 59p

0.4 - 15kg = £3.49

15 - 200kg = £3.99


I then added a product to my cart which weighs 0.5kg expecting the £3.49 delivery charge to be added but it's not, the 59p one is added.


Please help to solve this.



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I did some testing and the issue seems to be mutiple carriers of the same zone but one is default.

Try this leave the ranges as you had them but in the carrier edit change the out of range behavior to disable carrier.

When products are in the range of the default carrier the shipping will auto add to cart otherwise they will have to choose shipping.

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