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Shipping doesnt work correct, Zones , no carrier , etc

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I just have set up a prestashop 1.5.2 and want to use it for the UK, but as I have set 35 GBP for free shipping, it always shows free shipping, and although all zones and carriers should be set correct (cause they are the standard settings). I just have enabled shipping after weight with all prices that are needed.

But I am pretty unsure, why all these easy settings (I mean they are most clear) can lead to such misbehaviour.


In this context puzzles me the most:

There are no carriers that deliver to the address you selected.

That comes, when I register with a UK shipping adress.


And also that there is free shipping added in cart, although the setting of 35 GBP for free shipping shouldnt become active when only 5.96 GBP ar ein cart.


This the site www.facialhairremovalproducts.org


Thanks for any help in advance.


Cheers. Andre


PS: Yes, I have searched the forum and also found tutorials like this http://alvinjiang.blogspot.de/2011/05/prestashop-tip-no-carrier-available-to.html but they didnt help solve the problem.

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Ah silly me, I got what you are doing now. In one of the older versions of PS I did play with free shipping and simply did what you have done, BUT you have to alter the "Billing" below to work on the total value and not the weight. Currently the weight is triggering the free shipping causing the error! Altering this should do the trick.


I am in the process of re-vamping the shipping fees all together. I have to consider courier fees to the Highlands and take into account EU, Worldwide, and BFPO addresses! I have looked around many open source carts and find they all struggle with address and shipping because we all have very different demands which are impossible to round up into a simple module.


I have just set up a 1.5.2 shop this evening and will be adding some products to it over the weekend to try out my new tables. I will try the Free Shipping option to see what happens if the above does not do the trick for you.



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Your set up sounds more advanced than mine.

But as I only want to serve UK and when anybody registers with a UK adress it says:

There are no carriers that deliver to the address you selected.


On my simple set up:

UK is in zone Europe, UK is the only Country, Carrier is set up, Shipping in Zone is set up after weight and still this error message.


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Sorry, but I would like to bump this one up, cause it s so absoultely unobvious what I could be overseeing.

Additionally I have tried nearly everything, and it looks completely set up right....


Why does "There are no carriers that deliver to the address you selected." appear?

What can I do against it?




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I think I have found the answer.

I was testing the shop with a german IP adress (from my real location) and somehow the shopping engine checks, if the buyer has a UK IP when shipping is set to UK only.


I thought I would have set this feature of checking the IP to off, but most probably setting it off doesnt work.


So, my test over a VPN connection with UK IP resulted in the presentation of a shipping provider. So, it works for people with UK IP adresses as it should...



But to be true, I dont like this feature, mostly because I thought it was off and secondly I would like to be sure, that anybody who wants to order from anywhere, but wants to have it shipped to a UK shipping adress is still able to do so.


Any idea, how to really turn it off?




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Thanks, elpatron.

Thats what I thought of is disabled and would show an effect.

So, yes it has been disabled all the time (cause I havent enabled it anyway)...


Pretty much all of the shop settings are from standard installation, BTW.

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if you do not have geolocation enabled, or my module :) then ps will not 1) detect the country from the IP 2) set the cookie country based on the IP country...


This is why I posted here..I know little to nothing of shipping...but I do know a little about IP country handing within PS.


So I was a bit perplexed to your previous post about testing from German IP. With geolocation this should only happen if you were logged in and Germany as your registered address.

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Yes, should only happen when active.


I tested the shopping cart flow.

I was with my normal GEO location in Germany online during this. I have taken a real UK adress from Google Maps to register a demo customer and constantly the popup appeared (of course, the adress I write in there shouldnt really play a role, cause it is not checked at all, cause I only can choose UK from dropdown, so THIS should be enough already).


Then I used the secure VPN to turn my PC into a UK pc.

And walked through the whole process till payment without any problems.



Looks to me as any IP thing.

Doesnt it?





EDIT: Forgot to mention, also no other modules are active related to geo location or IP.

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