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[SOLVED] How to adapt the text width to fill all the screen-width?

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Hi everybody,


I've got a problem with the text of the "last posts" section of our shop-blog http://nutri-cosmetica.com/es/blog


If you see this sreencapture, the text doesn't fill all the width of the screen:




Please, could anybody tell me how to change that on CSS? I've tried several ways but they don't seem to work :(



Edited by Antakarana (see edit history)
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Find the folder with the module blog css file and specify the width



#post_list ul li .detail_left {

  • float: left;
  • width: 590px;





Thanks for your answer... I've tried what you've said. Now the problem is that the theme is responsive so when you see the page in a little screen the text doesn't fill correctly.




Is there a way to tell the text to adapt itself to the screen limits?



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