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How to work with taxes?

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Working with PrestaShop 1.5.2, and have a question about the display of taxes.


We've been trying to figure this out for two weeks, and we're no closer to an answer. Hoping someone can help.


In our store, we need to be able to charge taxes when a customer makes a purchase within a particular state (U.S.). We have the taxes and tax rules set up, and the taxes are calculating correctly. However, we do not want the displayed product prices to include tax for those customers with an address within the taxable state.


Right now, if a customer with an address within a taxable state signs in, displayed product prices change to include tax. That may be alright in certain instances, like a B2B shop or certain countries, but we never want a product price to display as anything other than the actual product price.


In addition to the product prices in featured items, top sellers, or the product page itself being displayed with tax included, the cart block and the checkout pages display in an odd way - as shown in the attached screenshots. In the cart block, for instance, the product price is shown including tax (which we don't want), then the shipping and tax are shown as line items. Product price + Shipping + Tax does not equal the Total, which shouldn't be.


In the Summary Page screenshot it's basically the same thing, doesn't make sense when looking at the numbers.


In the Payment Page screenshot, the numbers add up, but only because the tax line item is not being displayed. But the product price is still including tax instead of showing the actual product price.


The actual price of the item in the screenshots is $299.99. This is the price we always want customers to see in any area of the system, with tax shown as a line item in the cart and checkout process.


Basically, we can't seem to get the system to include tax without the product prices being increased in all areas to include the tax. What we want is:


- The ability to incorporate tax rules without any product prices showing anywhere with the tax included. Home page, product page, cart, or checkout.


- A tax line (showing tax amount) in the final payment page of checkout, similar to the Summary page.


We've tried all combinations of options we can think of in Localization, Groups, Products, etc., but can't seem to make this happen. Would anyone know what the magic combination of settings might be to produce the results mentioned above?


Any help would be greatly appreciated...




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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the reply, tdr.


I have all groups set to "Tax excluded" for the Price display method, but taxes still show in listed product prices. The only way I can get prices not to show with tax included (for products where customer and seller are from the same state) is to disable tax completely in Localization->Taxes.


And, as noted in the screenshots above, while in the shopping cart the displayed price plus the shipping cost plus the tax amount does not equal the total (because tax is being shown on the tax line and also included in the product price). This makes it very confusing for customers.


If the "Tax excluded" option in groups worked it shouldn't be a problem, but as I mentioned the only way I seem to be able to make prices display without tax included is to completely disable tax, which we can't do.

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Also, when "Display tax in cart" is set to Yes, tax is shown on a distinct line in the Summary page (as it should be), but no tax line is shown at all on the final Payment page. Tax is included in the total, but not shown as a line item on that screen...

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Sorry been out all day, for the final page of checkout this is normal, however there is a solution got to themes/yourtheme and edit orderpayment.tpl and insert the folowing code at line 140 just above {if $total_shipping_tax_exc <= 0 && !isset($virtualCart)} this will add the tax line to the payment page in checkout.


I am doing some testing now on this issue and to my disbelief my shop want add tax to the products for visitor or guest but once you log in tax is added to the product price ???

Will let you know what I find.





{if $use_taxes}

<tr class="cart_summery_tax">

<td colspan="5">{l s='Total tax:'}</td>

<td colspan="2" class="price" id="total_tax">{displayPrice price=$total_tax}</td>




{if $total_shipping_tax_exc <= 0 && !isset($virtualCart)}

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Just got a chance to add your code for the tax line on the payment page, tdr, perfect fix. Thanks a lot. Exactly what we needed. Not sure why this isn't included in the core, but I'm a happy guy.


It will be interesting to see what you find on the other tax thing. Appreciate the help...

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