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Editting translation custom blockpermanentlinks

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Since there is no way to change the permanent link block in PS1.5

I changed the .TPL file to say this



<!-- Block permanent links module HEADER -->
<ul id="header_links">
<li id="header_link_contact"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('contact', true)}" title="{l s='contact' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}">{l s='contact' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}</a></li>
<li id="header_link_sitemap"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('sitemap')}" title="{l s='sitemap' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}">{l s='sitemap' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}</a></li>
<li id="header_link_sizechart"><a href="http://amsterdamsouvenirshop.com/content/6-maattabel" title="{l s='sizechart' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}">{l s='Size Chart' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}</a></li>
<!-- /Block permanent links module HEADER -->


How can i get translation for the custom link to my sizechart?

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I would like to know how to edit the Permanent links block, I am new to prestashop but it is appearing that support is very much lacking, why has no response been posted here?


really? support lacking? this is a community..not your personal support forum...you get what you put into it...maybe try searching using google next time...


what is lacking for most of those that do not get an answer...is they are lazy on explaing what they want...


so make sure to put a little effort in what you are trying to do...and remember it's a communiity...and not everyone is cut out to run any sort of site..


in answer to the OP...


It's really VERY SIMPLE


back office-->localizaton-->translations

select installed moudule translations select the language you want to translate (or change)

find blockpermanentlinks


change it to whatever you want...and save it...

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really? support lacking? this is a community..not your personal support forum...you get what you put into it...maybe try searching using google next time...


what is lacking for most of those that do not get an answer...is they are lazy on explaing what they want...


so make sure to put a little effort in what you are trying to do...and remember it's a communiity...and not everyone is cut out to run any sort of site..


in answer to the OP...


It's really VERY SIMPLE


back office-->localizaton-->translations

select installed moudule translations select the language you want to translate (or change)

find blockpermanentlinks


change it to whatever you want...and save it...

Oh wow!

You are right!

It actually changes dynamically!


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