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Strange issue in statistics

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I have an odd issue with the statistics module (visits/visitors) and wish to see if anyone knows something about this.


The case is that PS1.52 gives me completely wrong visitor/visit information. In fact, about 5 times the actual amount of visitors.


There is NOTHING wrong with the connections table. It registers the correct data, and nothing more.


What happens is that my stats system shows a strange amount of visits (and the same amount of visitORs) at exactly 7AM every day. Today it was 92, yesterday it was 91, and the day before it was 240. The day before that, 90. And the day before again (the 19th of November) it was 85.




Has anyone else experienced this?


The actual visitor amount (this is a new site) is 20-40 per day.


Screenshot included: post-418686-0-48176300-1353667678_thumb.jpg



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