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Test me and be evil ;-)


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Hi, please could you visit and test our site of clothing :




we're italian, but you could click on the english flag on the top.


Please give us your impressions on the graphic but also in general (products, etc...) don't be afraid to be evil, critics could only get our shop better


Thank you !

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Good Morning,


Nice site, their is a slight problem when you get to the cart summary page the text is hard to read, that is black text on a dark background, you could change this text to white as you have done further down the page.


It would be good to change the paypal logo to something more in keeping with your theme. You can get free footers on the forum which would accommodate various logos and links.


You could remove the information block as this is duplicated in the footer and perhaps put a social block,again free, like twitter, facebook etc so visitors can see how many fans, likes you have.


If it's possible I would make the size chart a little bit bigger as it is difficult to read especially if your eyesight is not 100%.


All in All very good and I wish you success



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yes there are various part where your texts are not legible as mentioned by perfumeskunk i.e the cart summary color on quick order page is not legible.


-the 'new customer' block text is also white on grey which is hard to read as well. perhaps either darken the text or the contrast the background.

-same thing with the wishlist block.


generally your shop cart, checkout etc working ok and shop is pretty good..

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Hi, please could you visit and test our site of clothing :




we're italian, but you could click on the english flag on the top.


Please give us your impressions on the graphic but also in general (products, etc...) don't be afraid to be evil, critics could only get our shop better


Thank you !



I must say that the background image hurts my eyes,

It's to much after my opinion.

it takes my eyes away from your products.

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