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[SOLVED] Tax Rules - Not Saving or Error

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Hello All: Prestashop 1.4.9 upgraded to 1.5.2


My turn for an issue I can't solve, I can not seem to add any tax rules to my 1.5 installation.


In the first two pics I used the tax that was upgraded from the 1.4.9 installation and get an error that the tax cannot be saved. (De Soto 1%)

In the second two pics I added a new tax Desoto County 1% and get update successful but the tax was not added to the list. (Desoto County 1%)


What is even stranger is that there is no consistency to the tax rule addition as some times I get update successful and somtimes the error regardless of which tax I use.


Has anyone else encountered this and if so were you able to fix this issue.






Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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I was able to fix this by doing a little database work, first I installed a fresh copy of 1.5 (not an upgrade).

Then I made sure it would save a tax rule, it did, then I copied the ps_tax table over to the fresh install to see if it would save with the upgraded tax table, It did. (Florida Counties Added)

Now I downloaded a copy of the fresh database to my computer, then I copied ps_tax, ps_tax_lang, ps_tax_rule, ps_tax_rules_group, ps_tax_rules_group_shop and pasted them into the SQL of the upgraded shop and wala I can now create and save tax rules.


note: (why I copied ps_tax to the new database)

I have added all the counties in Florida and there surtax so I did not want to type them all again to the tax section.

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