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Root categories stay under HOME

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Hoi geostant,

if you mean the "categories" that show up in the horizontal menu bar under the item "Home". I think I can help you.

I have version 1.52, but I think it will work also fotr the other. If you go to "categories" and openthe specific categorie that yoy made earlier. When the tab opens you'll see under the name of the category that you made a choice: "show" or "not". I have the dutch version, s this is a free translate. But setting it to not view works. I just did it.



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You still have to mark "show" in the subcategory itself.

You'll see a red cross on the categorie page. And then of course all the sub also will have a red cross (means not show).

Just double click in the sub categories the red cross in order to show it in the horizontal menu bar.

Hope it will wordk now.

Keep fingers crossed.


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Hoi geostant,


Your problem kept moving around in my head.

Worked out something else ... and this seems to work to.

Take a look at www.alvoge.nl/Shop

Think that's what you mean.


And if i can find how to put a link (like www.newsite.try ) It would work for me too.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Of course,


Go to the BO.

Choose "modules" ---> "horizontal menu" --> "configure" --> "add top menu link".


Give a name for the label (I did as you'll notice INTRO).

Set the link that you prefer.

Click on "ad" I assume, cause I am working with the dutch version. You save it.



Go to the menu just above the section "add top menu link".

Choose categories.

On the right site, delete everything.

Go to the left site of the sreen and choose "categories".


Put as first item the label that you just made.

And the rest goes the normal way.


Now if you go back to your "live" site, you'll notice the change ( after F5) in the menu.







Edited by jefgees (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

First, create categories and sub categories that you want.


Like Index, Home, Information or Products. Then click on the categories and add subs. For Home/Index leave it with no subs so its a HOME button only and set it for your index. Then add subs to the other main categories. Like Products, sub categories; Ipods, Hair Brushes etc..


After you have that set up, manage the layout of the link trees in the Top Menu module and the CMS module for the footer links or CMS column blocks which are in the CMS module. Top menu can be adjusted anyway you like as long as you create the category tree first.

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If I already have the default set up with root categories and sub-cats under the 'home' button on top nav bar, can I change the Home button to another name like 'products' and still keep the category tree under that new name?


I would then like to add another item on the top name bar and call it home (with no categories) or will it clash with the original 'home' --- hope that makes sense :)

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I was not able to change the default HOME category, so I created new ones under it.


If you want your HOME button to branch out then add directly to the default HOME. I created a separate category named Home for my index page with no sub categories. Home, Information and a product category worked for me on the menu bar You can make what you like in any layout with the new category you create and then add sub categories to the main one and then add subs of subs if you like. Then you can set up the top menu in many ways, the module works very well.


The more I use Prestashop the more I like it. Its easy to use the modules and has enough options to make my site navigate like I want. The CMS column module that you can put FAQ, Terms, Shipping and etc. is a nice feature built in. Works smoothly with the top menu module. Its all new to me, I started using Prestashop version so, don't know the previous versions but I like this one. Took me a week to get comfortable messing things up...

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