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Help! Upgrade failed and rollback fellover - can't access anything!

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Hi All;


I used the AutoUpgrade function earlier on today to go from V1.4.9 to V1.5.2. This didn't quite go according to plan, so I rolled back, and everything was returned to normal.


One thing I noticed is that the back office layout in my browser wasn't readable, so I then tried again, using Internet Explorer.


I ran the upgrade, and then it failed and tried to roll back. At the same time, the page created a pop-up, and I ended up leaving the page whilst it should have been rolling back.


Now, I can't access the back office or the shop, I am just getting the error:



Server error

The website encountered an error while retrieving http://shop.rawnibbles.co.uk/rawnibblesadmin/index.php. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.

Here are some suggestions:

HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfil the request.

Does anyone have a solution for this? I've got no idea what to do about it, and I'm totally stuck!

Many thanks,


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Prestashop rollbacks are unreliable. You should always make your own backup of both the database and the files.


The first thing to do would be to switch on the error settings in your config.inc.php file. It will give you at least some insight in what is going wrong. Another thing is to have a look at your files with ftp and at your database with phpmyadmin: after a faulty rollback there are often database tables missing.


If you didn't make a backup your best chance is to get the backup made by autoupgrade (at \admin\autoupgrade\backup) and reconstruct from that on your local computer a working setup.


Very probably your setup is now a mix of files from two different versions.

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Prestashop rollbacks are unreliable. You should always make your own backup of both the database and the files.


The first thing to do would be to switch on the error settings in your config.inc.php file. It will give you at least some insight in what is going wrong. Another thing is to have a look at your files with ftp and at your database with phpmyadmin: after a faulty rollback there are often database tables missing.


If you didn't make a backup your best chance is to get the backup made by autoupgrade (at \admin\autoupgrade\backup) and reconstruct from that on your local computer a working setup.


Very probably your setup is now a mix of files from two different versions.


Thank you MusicMaster. I've had a look at my config.inc.php file and I can't see how to turn errors on.


One of the problems I have is my access to the server is very limited. I can access my files via FTP, and I use PuTTY to log into MySQL.


I definitely have a backup in the admin section from before things went pear-shaped, but I'm not good enough with MySQL to know the commands to restore the database. Unfortunately, I'm a Windows user, and don't have access to a Linux box to get things working on!


Can you offer any advice on restoring the database from the command line?

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You can perfectly run Prestashop on a Windows box. Use Xampp for that. It is a good way to get a feeling for what you are doing.


To switch error display on you should change two settings at the beginning of the config file.


/* Debug only */
@ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', true);

Edited by musicmaster (see edit history)
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