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Having several different problems...

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Ive installed prestashop 1.5 with the automatic installation script provided by my internet supplier.


Theme was the same I was using on previos version. I had only modified a bit of css and graphics without touching the positions or anything else.


Now the problems 1 by 1...


Some clients cant register. When they try, it just brings a white page. Some others register without any problems...


Some clients can pay with paypal, everything goes fine. Some others cant. Brings them some error msg...


Some clients makes an order and everything goes fine. Some others make an order, they pay and everything but in the bo, the ^product list is empty even though we did receive the money, the order is showing, the invoice to but we have absolutly no clue of what they did order since it's not written...


Some clients add stuff in their carts and when they get to pay for it, the cart empty itself...


Finally some clients gets à white page after achieving the order. The paiement goes through and everything but they get a completly white page in the end...


I would say the problem is probably on my side IF it would go wrong for everyone but why does it work for some people and not for others?

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