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No carrier is available for this selection

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I've combed this forum, so I'm not just starting a thread because I'm lazy. :) Someone suggested that creating a customer login before doing a check-out test would solve this. I did it and it didn't help.


At check-out, the product keeps saying Free Shipping and no carrier is availabe for this selection. I think I did everything correctly inputing my usps web tools ID and everything. From the modules section, I've installed usps and did all the configurations. The test product price, dimension has been configured too.


The only thing I can think of is that I'm also using the same usps account currently testing opencart. Do you guys think that has something to do with it? USPS told me I can use the same account at the same time on different carts. She says, you just can't change web hosting servers. But I went ahead and disabled the usps on opencart, but it still did not work.


There is like a ton of settings, so I know I might be missing something stupid like a checkbox or something. I apologize if this is a really simple issue to solve, but I've been at it for hours. I need help. I'm playing with both opencart and presta to see which one is easier. So far presta is giving me a lot of problems setting up the shipping.


Thank you for your time!

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The product I was testing was one of the default samples by prestashop like the macbook air. I configured it over and over and over, still shows free shipping at checkout and no carrier available.


I decided to delete all the default sample products. I created my own product and still have the same problem.

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Talking to myself here, but I'm thinking these open source free platforms are not for me. I'm sure someone will eventually chime in to help me out, but this is just too slow. I will fork over the monthly fees for a paid platform and hopefully get quicker support and maybe a product that's really working out of the box.


Same thing with open cart in terms of support. I have a different issue there and a question which hasn't even been posted yet because it needed a moderators approval. LOL.


Not for newbies I guess. :(

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  • 1 month later...

This is most likely a zone issue check waht zone the carriers are currently listed for service in Shipping carriers.

All issues I have ever seen where carrier not available for this address are zone related.


Sorry but I just noticed your post or I would have responded earlier.

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  • 1 month later...

This is most likely a zone issue check waht zone the carriers are currently listed for service in Shipping carriers.

All issues I have ever seen where carrier not available for this address are zone related.


Sorry but I just noticed your post or I would have responded earlier.


I have 3 carriers enabled with North America zone checked.

USPS First Class

USPS Priority

USPS Express


- As guest, I keep getting "No carrier is available for this selection".

- Logged in as my test customer, the options show but (free).


Even though I have these settings checked:

- "Free shipping starts at: 100" and the test order is $27.

- Each carrier has a set fee for the North America Zone.

- Group access all groups are checked.

- Enable carrier in the Front Office: Yes


Is this a bug on PS v1.5.3.1 ?



Edited by dformica (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...

My solution: I ended up deleting the U.S.P.S Rate Calculator and added the carriers manually. Since I use the flat rate fee from USPS I don't really need the calculator.

I hope this helps.


where is the U.S.P.S Rate Calculator located at? Pls guide me to that page. :)

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