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[solved]undeclared static property: Smarty::$_CHARSET

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Great to see that 1.5.2 is available!


My question is a more mundane: my server was hacked and my index.php files had been filled with iframes pointing to the osbasedreceiva.pl site that according to Google Chrome is a distributor of malware. Replacing the infected files did not help: somehow the hacker still had access to the site and re-infected them (maybe I should have made them read-only). So I chose a more radical solution: I renamed the public_html directory on the server (deleting everything would take too long) and created a new one to which I did a restore from the backup of my hoster.


However, although I could so access my webshop (version and even work in the backoffice, my frontoffice fails on the following error:


Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: Smarty::$_CHARSET in /home2/mysite/public_html/myshop/tools/smarty/plugins/modifiercompiler.escape.php on line 30


I have switched off all caches and emptied them but nothing helped. Does anyone have a suggestion?

Edited by musicmaster (see edit history)
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Can you please elaborate on how you fixed the mixed up code?


I had almost this exact same problem on my store (running 1.4.8) when I tried to update to 1.5.3. The update failed and I restored the old version through my host provider. I had some trouble getting it back up and running, but eventually got the back end to work by restoring my backup DB. My front end store still won't work, so I turned on debug and tracked down the Fatal Error message, exactly the same message you got.


When I tracked down the file cited in the error message, /home2/mysite/public_html/myshop/tools/smarty/plugins/modifiercompiler.escape.php on line 30. Of course, line 30 contains nothing, not even a space, and what's more, is buried in a block of comment syntax (/* */), so shouldn't be affecting the function anyway.


… aaaaand that has more than exhausted what I know about .php programming.


I'm not a developer, just a regular guy trying to run a webstore in my spare time so I can quit my other job. I don't speak .php real well, so if you could put it in layman's terms, I would very much appreciate it.

Edited by FlyboyBlake (see edit history)
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