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authorize.net problem, missing parameter

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When I attempt to utilize the AIM module to pay for an item at my customer's shop, I receive the following error:


An unrecoverable error occurred: Missing parameter


I know this means that the validation.php file is not pulling an invoice number, but I have enabled invoices, and ensured that the invoice number was being generated with a number. I contacted Authorize.net to make sure my ID and key were correct (they are). I have uninstalled and reinstalled the module. I found a ticket here with this same issue, but those solutions have not helped my case any. I am at the end of my rope here. I inherited this customer in a buyout, and have not used prestashop very much, I usually just write the code myself.


using module v1.4.3, prestashop v1.4.7.3

Edited by webguy5 (see edit history)
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I worked with authorize.net people and they informed me they have no error messages, so the problem is with my site. I also checked my error messages on my customer's logs and found 2 messages from AIM about missing invoice numbers and conflict between cart id order and customer order

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  • 6 months later...

Hello I also am using prestashop 1.4.7 and have the same Authnet Issue. I commented out some stuff but it still doesnt work I am not sure I am commenting out the right stuff. Here is what I did


// if (!isset($_POST['x_invoice_num']))
// Logger::addLog('Missing x_invoice_num', 4);
// die('An unrecoverable error occured: Missing 1st invoice parameter');
if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($cart))
// Logger::addLog('Cart loading failed for cart '.(int)$_POST['x_invoice_num'], 4);
// die('An unrecoverable error occured with the cart '.(int)$_POST['x_invoice_num']);
if ($cart->id != $_POST['x_invoice_num'])
Logger::addLog('Conflit between cart id order and customer cart id');
// die('An unrecoverable conflict error occured with the cart '.(int)$_POST['x_invoice_num']);


I then get more errors. Is this what I am supposed to comment out? Can you be more specific of what exactly to comment out?

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