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Need help upgrade from to1.5.1 <action result="fail" error="34">

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I try to upgrade my shop from to 1.5.1 but every time i got this <action result="fail" error="34">


1.Backup the old shop and deactivate it

2.Use theme "default"

3.Copy only /img/p/ to new shop

4.Copy only settings.inc.php to /config floder of new shop

5.Then use this


And then i got the <action result="fail" error="34">

Here is my log file :


*ERROR*  2012/10/18 - 01:46:43: SQL query:
INSERT INTO `ps_hook_module` (`id_hook`, `id_module`, `position`) VALUES (@id_hook, @id_module, @position)
*ERROR*  2012/10/18 - 01:46:43: SQL error:
Column 'id_module' cannot be null
*ERROR*  2012/10/18 - 01:47:00: SQL query:
UPDATE `ps_order_detail` od
SET od.`id_order_invoice` = (
SELECT oi.`id_order_invoice`
FROM `ps_order_invoice` oi
WHERE oi.`id_order` = od.`id_order`
*ERROR*  2012/10/18 - 01:47:00: SQL error:
Column 'id_order_invoice' cannot be null
*ERROR*  2012/10/18 - 01:47:11: PHP error: /* PHP:p15012_add_missing_columns(); */
- <subquery><query>ALTER TABLE `ps_order_payment`
CHANGE `id_order_invoice` id_order_invoice int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL</query><error>Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'id_order_invoice' at row 1</error></subquery>
*ERROR*  2012/10/18 - 01:47:11: 1
*ERROR*  2012/10/18 - 15:27:12: SQL query:
UPDATE `ps_order_detail` od
SET od.`id_order_invoice` = (
SELECT oi.`id_order_invoice`
FROM `ps_order_invoice` oi
WHERE oi.`id_order` = od.`id_order`
*ERROR*  2012/10/18 - 15:27:13: SQL error:
Column 'id_order_invoice' cannot be null
*ERROR*  2012/10/18 - 15:27:25: PHP error: /* PHP:p15012_add_missing_columns(); */
- <subquery><query>ALTER TABLE `ps_order_payment`
CHANGE `id_order_invoice` id_order_invoice int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL</query><error>Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'id_order_invoice' at row 1</error></subquery>
*ERROR*  2012/10/18 - 15:27:25: 1


In BO: when I edit the CMS,I got a page white,

In FO: can not add the product to cart, got this message:


Impossible to add the product to the cart.
textStatus: 'error'
errorThrown: 'Internal Server Error'


Some one can give me a help,

Thank you very very much.

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I had the same error, XML file outputs error 34:


<request result="fail" sqlfile="">


<![CDATA[ /* PHP:move_translations_module_file(); */ ]]>



I solved it editing file attributes in ~/translation/* to 777. Now I have error 28...

Edited by Rutrus (see edit history)
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