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filter products

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We would like to ask. looking for someone who would do us a filter, or advise us how to do it.


The filter should filter on the following parameters:


1) Motorcycle / ATV

2) Brand: honda, Yamaha .....

3) Displacement cc

4) Model motorcycles

5) The model year motorcycles



With that, some products such as candle, battery, tires, plastics, bearings and other things are for certain motorbike common.



chain is designed for 20 bikes and different years.


I have chains for motorcycles:

Motorcycle / Yamaha / 250 / YZ 250/1999 -2004

Bike / Honda / 250 / crf 250 / year from 2004 to 2012




It is possible such a filter do?

Yamaha YZ 250 2005 is already completely different chain so that the years only add to that model.


CZ :

Chtěli bychom se zeptat . hledáme někoho kdo by nám udělal filtr , nebo nám poradil jak na to .


Filtr by měl filtrovat podle těchto parametrů :


1) Motorka / ATV

2) Značka :honda , Yamaha…..

3) Objem motoru ccm

4) Model motorky

5) Modelový ročník motorky



S tím , že některé produkty jako třeba svíčka , baterie , pneumatiky , plasty ložiska a další věci jsou pro některé motorky společné .



řetěz je určen pro 20 motorek a různých roků .


u řetezu budu mít motorky :

Motorka / Yamaha/ 250/ YZ 250/ rok 1999 -2004

Motorka / Honda / 250 / crf 250/ rok 2004 – 2012




Je možné nějaký takovýto filtr udělat ?

Na yamahu YZ 250 rok 2005 je už zcela jiný řetěz tak aby se roky přidali pouze k danemů modelu .

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Hi, I suppose that you need a product filtering from your admin part. Your question is vague and may be difficult to properly answer without additional information. But if I understood you correctly, there is a potential solution -

Store Manager for Prestashop.


I have this desktop application on my PC and it allows me to manage Prestashop store using various useful features and advanced filtering options. So particularly, using it you can filter your products on any parameter you need and on any .database column. After you filtered the products you select them and can export them to Excel or .csv file. Also you can set filter for the products, save it and use it further.


If this don’t address your question, please post additional information to help me better understand what you are asking.


Please, let me know if it was useful.

Edited by Emmanuel_Nsahlai (see edit history)
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If I am reading correctly he's wanting like a layered navigation not store manager :). It depends on what prestashop version you're using Vladahav. You need to place this in paid services if you want one made. Or you could look into upgrading your site to one that offers the layered navigation system to filter the products.

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