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[Solved] Phone number is (not) required!

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When ordering from my shop, it is required to put in at least one phone number. But if you just leave a "space" or any single character, the system will allow it. Is there some way I can make it so, that 8 numbers are required before you can continue?


I need this to work, as I use phone number as a part of my security.


Any help is much appreciated!


[solved] Change line 84 in ../controllers/AuthController.php to:


if ((Tools::getValue('phone') && (strlen(Tools::getValue('phone')) != 8 || !is_numeric(Tools::getValue('phone')))) || (Tools::getValue('phone_mobile') && (strlen(Tools::getValue('phone_mobile')) != 8 || !is_numeric(Tools::getValue('phone_mobile')))) || (!Tools::getValue('phone') && !Tools::getValue('phone_mobile')))

Edited by Nondo (see edit history)
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Validity of the phone number is checked in /classes/Validate.php, isPhoneNumber() method (PS 1.4). Regular expression allows any of the following combination of characters. +0-9. ()-. If you want to be strict, within this method change the regular expression to read:




But this will not accept, for example, 515-222-4444 and will require 8 consecutive digits. A more sophisticated regex available but...


But if you just leave a "space" or any single character, the system will allow it.


Consider the possibility that if a customer enters an invalid number maybe they do not want you to have their home phone number. Enforcing 8 digits can result one to enter just 8 zeros, or worse, abandon the cart. There is no logic in enforcing it.


Marty Shue

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