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Missing Translations

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Good Morning,


Using PS default theme with no modifications.


I have been looking at translations in the back office and notice that all the English/US translations are missing, I have also checked on a local install of using WAMP and they are missing there as well, If i click on the French, German, Spanish flags the translations are there.


Have I missed something obvious


Your help, as always, is appreciated




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Good morning Benjamin and thank you for your reply.


Sorry if your confused, I assumed that as it said that all my translations are missing then they were, in fact, missing. My default language is English.


What is confusing for me is that my other two sites, 1.4.7 and 1.4.8, both have the default language as English and have all the translations showing.


So, is this something unique to PS 1.5


Hope you can advise me



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