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Error upgrading from to 1.5....now what?

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Hey :)


Never saw this error before, I guest it must be related to some restrictions on the SQL user, setup by your hosting provider.


The script is probably trying to do some "SHOW TABLES" or "SHOW FIELDS" I guess, and this is forbidden.


What is your hosting provider? Please send me an e-mail with temporary FTP/SQL credentials and I will have a look by tomorrow on what's going on :)



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Hi Bruno,


On my mysql I have an error for that table. Check the pic please.

I am trying to reinstall layed navigation and see what happens....

I run my store on a VPS, so probably there are no server restrictions here....


Thanks for taking the time to help me!


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I got this:

Tables_in_prestashop ps_access ps_accessory ps_address ps_address_format ps_alias ps_attachment ps_attachment_lang ps_attribute ps_attribute_group ps_attribute_group_lang ps_attribute_impact ps_attribute_lang ps_carrier ps_carrier_group ps_carrier_lang ps_carrier_zone ps_cart ps_cart_discount ps_cart_product ps_category ps_category_group ps_category_images ps_category_lang ps_category_product ps_cms ps_cms_block ps_cms_block_lang ps_cms_block_page ps_cms_category ps_cms_category_lang ps_cms_lang ps_compare ps_compare_product ps_configuration ps_configuration_lang ps_connections ps_connections_page ps_connections_source ps_contact ps_contact_lang ps_country ps_country_lang ps_county ps_county_zip_code ps_currency ps_customer ps_customer_group ps_customer_message ps_customer_thread ps_customization ps_customization_field ps_customization_field_lang ps_customized_data ps_date_range ps_delivery ps_discount ps_discount_category ps_discount_lang ps_discount_type ps_discount_type_lang ps_ecarteditablefooter ps_ecarteditablefooter_lang ps_editorial ps_editorial_lang ps_employee ps_feature ps_feature_lang ps_feature_product ps_feature_value ps_feature_value_lang ps_group ps_group_lang ps_group_reduction ps_guest ps_help_access ps_hook ps_hook_module ps_hook_module_exceptions ps_image ps_image_lang ps_image_type ps_import_match ps_lang ps_layered_category ps_layered_filter ps_layered_filter_shop ps_layered_friendly_url ps_layered_indexable_attribute_group ps_layered_indexable_attribute_group_lang_value ps_layered_indexable_attribute_lang_value ps_layered_indexable_feature ps_layered_indexable_feature_lang_value ps_layered_indexable_feature_value_lang_value ps_layered_price_index ps_layered_product_attribute ps_location_coords ps_log ps_manufacturer ps_manufacturer_lang ps_megamenu Tables_in_prestashop ps_megamenu_lang ps_memcached_servers ps_message ps_message_readed ps_meta ps_meta_lang ps_module ps_module_country ps_module_currency ps_module_group ps_operating_system ps_order_detail ps_order_discount ps_order_history ps_order_message ps_order_message_lang ps_order_return ps_order_return_detail ps_order_return_state ps_order_return_state_lang ps_order_slip ps_order_slip_detail ps_order_state ps_order_state_lang ps_order_tax ps_orders ps_pack ps_page ps_page_type ps_page_viewed ps_pagenotfound ps_payment_cc ps_paypal_order ps_prestafraud_carrier ps_prestafraud_carts ps_prestafraud_orders ps_prestafraud_payment ps_product ps_product_attachment ps_product_attribute ps_product_attribute_combination ps_product_attribute_image ps_product_country_tax ps_product_download ps_product_group_reduction_cache ps_product_lang ps_product_sale ps_product_tag ps_profile ps_profile_lang ps_quick_access ps_quick_access_lang ps_range_price ps_range_weight ps_referrer ps_referrer_cache ps_required_field ps_scene ps_scene_category ps_scene_lang ps_scene_products ps_search_engine ps_search_index ps_search_word ps_sekeyword ps_specific_price ps_specific_price_priority ps_state ps_statssearch ps_stock_mvt ps_stock_mvt_reason ps_stock_mvt_reason_lang ps_store ps_storecom_history ps_subdomain ps_supplier ps_supplier_lang ps_tab ps_tab_lang ps_tag ps_tax ps_tax_lang ps_tax_rule ps_tax_rules_group ps_timezone ps_wasato_category_icecat ps_wasato_category_keywords_lang ps_wasato_category_pxm ps_wasato_category_suppliers ps_wasato_csv_pxm ps_wasato_csv_pxm_en ps_wasato_csv_pxm_es ps_wasato_csv_pxm_fr ps_wasato_feature_group ps_wasato_feature_group_lang ps_wasato_feature_rel ps_wasato_icecat_import ps_wasato_icecat_manufacturers ps_wasato_product_data ps_wasato_product_fee Tables_in_prestashop ps_wasato_product_price ps_wasato_product_rel ps_wasato_product_stock ps_wasato_selling_price ps_web_browser ps_webservice_account ps_webservice_permission ps_zone

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Good job :)


It seems that this table has been screwed up, can you try the following.


1. Click on the table name

2. Click on "Operations" (in the tabs list)

3. Try to click on "Repair table"


If it still does not work, try to delete the table and to re-create it manually by typing this in the "Query tab":


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ps_layered_category` (
 `id_layered_category` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `id_shop` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
 `id_category` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
 `id_value` INT(10) UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `type` ENUM('category','id_feature','id_attribute_group','quantity','condition','manufacturer','weight','price') NOT NULL,
 `position` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
 `filter_type` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 `filter_show_limit` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 PRIMARY KEY (`id_layered_category`),
 KEY `id_category` (`id_category`,`type`)


Then, go to the module's configuration and re-index everything.

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OK, so now I just copy-paste at the query tab the text you gave, as it is?


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ps_layered_category` (

`id_layered_category` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

`id_shop` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,

`id_category` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,

`id_value` INT(10) UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT '0',

`type` ENUM('category','id_feature','id_attribute_group','quantity','condition','manufacturer','weight','price') NOT NULL,

`position` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,

`filter_type` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,

`filter_show_limit` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,

PRIMARY KEY (`id_layered_category`),

KEY `id_category` (`id_category`,`type`)


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The good news: it was a permision error...now the upgrade "worked"


Now the bad news:


When trying to open the Modules in back office:


"Warning: require_once(/var/www/modules/paypal/paypal.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php on line 1008 Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/var/www/modules/paypal/paypal.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php on line 1008"


And the front:


Uncaught exception 'SmartyException' with message 'Missing template name' in /var/www/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php:624 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_cacheresource.php(289): Smarty_Internal_Template->__get('source') #1 /var/www/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php(651): Smarty_Template_Cached->__construct(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template)) #2 /var/www/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(398): Smarty_Internal_Template->__get('cached') #3 /var/www/classes/module/Module.php(1612): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->isCached(NULL, 'megamenu|3_3_0_...', NULL) #4 /var/www/modules/megamenu/megamenu.php(861): ModuleCore->isCached('megamenu.tpl', 'megamenu|3_3_0_...') #5 /var/www/classes/Hook.php(412): MegaMenu->hookTop(Array) #6 /var/www/classes/controller/FrontController.php(452): HookCore::exec('displayTop') #7 /var/www/controllers/front/IndexController.php(38): FrontControllerCore->initContent() #8 /var/www/classes/controller/Controlle in /var/www/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php on line 624


mhhh.....help please!


Thanks a lot!



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Hi Steven,


Thank you for your feedback.


Please check "Disable modules" during the upgrade, it will avoid the error related to your "MegaMenu" module.


For PayPal, it's strange that you don't have it on your FTP (and still in your DB), please download the latest version:



Then extract the zip file in /modules/ on your FTP.


Keep me posted ;)

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