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Install V. 1.5 FAIL

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Hoping someone can spot the problem.


Instead of upgrading from 1.4x, I decided to run from a fresh install, new database, etc. Previously I had the latest 1.4 version installed and running with no problems.


The installer got to the last step, reads out: "Create settings.inc file", and STALLS at 13% completion.


I checked the database, the installed managed to create a total of 219 tables before it stalled out. I've run the installer twice, both times with a new database.


All other settings are the same from when I had version 1.4 running on this server, just a few hours ago.


Thinking it could have been a crappy wifi connection, I tethered my computer via ethernet, still the same error. 219 tables created, and then this:


"An error occured during installation...

You can use the links on the left column to go back to the previous steps, or restart the installation process by clicking here."



Out of ideas! Thanks for reading.




sorry, host is Dreamhost. PHP v.

Edited by hellothere (see edit history)
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I think I'll re-download the files from presta, re-upload to the server, and try once more. If not, then I will look into the WAMP suggestion (I'm on a Mac, so I take it MAMP is the same thing?). Thanks for replying.


If anyone else has any ideas, I'm all ears. Seems strange that 1.4 was working fine two hours ago, 1.5 can't finish an installation into a fresh DB, newly uploaded files with zero input/mods from me. Maybe I'll try installing without the dummy catalog, see if that makes a difference

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ok, so removing the dummy catalog did nothing except change the error message, this time it DID create the settings.inc file, but was unable to create database tables:


error: Create database tables


An error occured during installation...


You can use the links on the left column to go back to the previous steps, or restart the installation process by clicking here."


I checked the (fresh) database in PhpMyAdmin, and it again created 219 tables (last one was 'zone_shop') and then stalled.


About to start over from scratch to see if something got corrupted along the way...

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I am not sure but do you have access to the error.logs? Maybe you should have a look into. I think the problem is related to the server config. Maybe memory limit is

to low (this was discussed in the bug tracker 32 meg min. better more or something like that) or script execution time to small.

If you can't figure out than ask dreamhost if they have a clue.

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This sounds very similar to the problem in this thread.




i.e. the installer is taking too long and comes up against the apache time limit for a script. I know the thread in the link is marked as solved, but moving the installation to a different server isn't really a solution in my opinion. I think the PS team maybe need to look at why the script takes so long to execute and balance this against the fact that the default time limit for a script to execute is 30 or 40 seconds as the default on apache. Not everyone can simply move to a different server. Previous installers worked within the default time limits therefore the ideal situation would be for the new installer to do the same.

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Thanks MarkB and Trip, I will take a look at this. Dreamhost is pretty helpful, although I am currently on a shared server so I am not sure if this is something I have control over. I know down the line I will need a dedicated server to get decent load times, but I am hoping to not have to shell out that money while I am still getting acquainted with the software & configuring the catalog.


I have yet to try installing again, but I have uploaded a fresh copy to the server. Again, thank you for the insight.



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