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1.4.9 to 1.5 upgrade? Is that the end of 1.4?

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Is 1.4.9 appears to be the last version of 1.4 since I see upgrade to 1.5 in my admin panel? So if we upgrade what about the themes we currently have if we are almost feel like we have to switch. Do we have to go buy a new theme or have another made to work with 1.5.


I am just wanting answers is all because I just now upgraded to 1.4.9 and I do not have any issues so far with it and is very fast for me. I am not running a live version yet but so far all test have worked so I am just wondering why would prestashop put an upgrade for 1.5 when we are on 1.4 since it's also not easy transition from what i understand about it.


I need to know these before I put time and money into a theme or what not.




Edited by clayton29657 (see edit history)
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hello eibrahimov


I did find out they are keeping the version 1.4 but only providing support for roughly around 6 months time. But it gives people enough time to make the change over or either stay with 1.4 if you're not having issues. As for myself I will be staying on 1.4 for as long as possible before i have major issues or just time to move over to new version.


The is not even stable yet so I would say it will at least be awhile before they fix all the bugs for the final version.


Hope this helps


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