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Help needed for debbuging a theme

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Hi to everyone


I had the misfortune to bye a theme called "motion" at prestaplayers.com. After installation as suggested by the site I realize that this theme had a bug during the checkout phases and more particularly during the "shipping step". Indeed when arriving to that step the horizontal menu at the header it opens and cover the information behind. I have tried to contact this site but no response. I am not an expert in prestashop neither on themes debugging but with guidance I can probably try to solve the issue my self. I will greatly appreciate if you can provide any guidance where I need to check in the code/page/script to correct the problem.

If you want to have a look of the issue please go to this page http://www.ragesounds.com

add a product to the cart and checkout (paypal doesn't work so dont be affraid to go until the end of the process). To avoid painful registration when requested please use the following credential


Email: [email protected]

Pass: testnow


Thanks in advance for your help

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First I think you should contact prestaplayers.com support to see if they

can fix that bug.


Second, what is your Prestashop version ?

Even if for Motion theme they say it is 1.4.x compatible I think there maybe an issue

if you use latest Prestashop version.


Anyway error that causing error in "shipping step" is

Uncaught ReferenceError: addresses is not defined order-address.js:70


So I suggest that you check code in order-address.js and order-address.tpl from Motion theme

with code in default prestashop theme.

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ok guys, This theme was developed for version and it works with that installation but not with 1.4.8. My question now is can I use a recent version of PayPal (V3) with a version of prestashop or the modules version especially the PayPal one is dependent also of the prestashop version?



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